Friday September 20, 2024

Biden faces impeachment threat as Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles

Marjorie previously introduced articles of impeachment against some others including FBI Director Christopher Wray , US Attorney Matthew Graves

By Web Desk
May 19, 2023
Biden faces impeachment threat as Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles

In a bold move, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, focusing on his handling of the crisis at the southern border. 

Taylor Greene, known for her controversial statements and promotion of conspiracy theories, held a news conference at the Capitol to announce her intention. She expressed her concern over the Biden administration's alleged disregard for immigration laws and border security, accusing them of allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country. 

Taylor Greene argued that Biden's actions constituted a deliberate compromise of national security and a violation of his constitutional duty, making him unfit to serve as president.

During her announcement, Taylor Greene emphasised that the articles she introduced were just the beginning, hinting that there could be further charges against Biden in the future. However, she did not provide details on what those additional allegations might entail. 

One of the main points of contention raised by Taylor Greene was the administration's failure to enforce immigration laws, secure the border, and maintain operational control as required by law. She also accused Biden of allowing the influx of fentanyl, a dangerous drug responsible for the deaths of many Americans, into the country.

The timing of Taylor Greene's impeachment articles is noteworthy, as they come one week after the expiration of Title 42, a policy that allowed for the immediate expulsion of migrants seeking asylum. Customs and Border Protection agents have expressed concerns about the impact of this policy change, with a significant increase in migrants being released into the public rather than being sent back over the southern border.

The move is part of what Taylor Greene referred to as her "impeachment week." Prior to targeting Biden, she introduced articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray, US Attorney Matthew Graves, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Attorney General Merrick Garland. Her rationale for each impeachment varied, ranging from allegations of pursuing protesters to politicizing the justice system.

While Taylor Greene's impeachment articles against Biden and other officials are unlikely to pass in the House, where the Republican majority is slim, they reflect the deep divisions within Congress. Her actions highlight the polarisation and contentiousness that currently characterise American politics.