Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut recently shared some fond memories of working with filmmaker Anurag Basu on the 2007 hit film, "Life in a Metro." The actress, who was relatively new to the industry at the time, revealed how Basu had trained her for the film and helped her understand her character better.
In a series of tweets, Ranaut praised Basu's directorial skills and recalled how he had conducted several workshops for the cast to get into the skin of their characters. She shared that the workshops were a crucial part of the pre-production process, and they helped the actors understand their characters' motivations and emotions better.
Ranaut, who played the role of a simple girl named Neha in the film, revealed that Basu had personally trained her for the role and helped her improve her body language and dialogue delivery. She credited the director for bringing out the best in her and helping her deliver a memorable performance.
The actress also spoke about the film's impact and how it had resonated with audiences across generations. She emphasized that the film's success was a testament to Basu's ability to tell relatable stories and create memorable characters.
"Life in a Metro" was a critical and commercial success, and it was praised for its realistic portrayal of urban relationships and its ensemble cast. The film starred actors like Shilpa Shetty, Irrfan Khan, Konkona Sen Sharma, and Sharman Joshi, among others.
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