Friday March 07, 2025

VIDEO: Lone black wolf caught on camera in Minnesota — a rare sight indeed!

Estimates from the International Wolf Project suggest that less than 2% of wolves in Minnesota have black fur

By Web Desk
April 24, 2023

This still shows a rare black wolf on the prowl in Minnesota. — Screengrab via YouTube
This still shows a rare black wolf on the prowl in Minnesota. — Screengrab via YouTube

A rare black wolf was recently captured on a wildlife camera in Minnesota, delighting the researchers of the Voyageurs Wolf Project. 

With 19 wolf packs in the area, none of them had any wolves with black fur, making this a unique sighting. 

Estimates from the International Wolf Project suggest that less than 2% of wolves in Minnesota have black fur. The video shows the lone black wolf pacing, pawing at the snow, and running off with an object in its mouth. 

The Voyageurs Wolf Project, a University of Minnesota initiative, studies wolves in and around Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota and has released other captivating footage in recent years.

"Beautiful animal!" a YouTube viewer commented.

"This is an amazing capture," said another.

"What a beautiful beast and had something cached…" chimed in another.