Twinkle Khanna, the renowned Bollywood actress-turned-author, recently shared some "hair-raising" tales from her past, recalling a time when she cried over having a partially shaved head. In a candid interview, she opened up about her hair-related misadventures and the lessons she learned from them.
Twinkle Khanna, fondly known as Mrs. Funnybones for her witty writing, revealed that during her teenage years, she experimented with various haircuts that didn't always go as planned. She shared an incident when she decided to try a trendy hairstyle that involved partially shaving her head, only to regret it later. She described it as a "hair-raising" experience as she was left with an uneven and awkward look, which left her in tears.
Recalling the incident, Twinkle Khanna said that she learned the importance of making informed decisions when it comes to hair and beauty choices. She emphasized the need to think twice before impulsively trying out new hairstyles, and the importance of consulting professionals for expert advice.
Twinkle Khanna's frank and humorous take on her own hair-related mishaps resonated with many, as she encouraged others to embrace their imperfections and not be afraid to share their own stories.
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