Jaya Bachchan, the veteran actress and wife of Amitabh Bachchan, arrived at the residence of filmmaker Aditya Chopra on Thursday to pay her respects following the death of his mother, Pamela Chopra. Mrs. Chopra, who was a renowned film producer and wife of legendary director Yash Chopra, passed away on Wednesday at the age of 84.
Jaya Bachchan arrived at Aditya Chopra's home in Mumbai's Juhu area, where she was greeted by members of the Chopra family. She expressed her condolences and offered her support to the family during this difficult time.
Mrs. Bachchan and the Chopra family have a long-standing relationship, with Aditya Chopra having directed the actress in several films, including the iconic movie "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge."
The film industry has been mourning the loss of Pamela Chopra, who was a stalwart of Indian cinema and a beloved figure in the industry. Several other actors, directors, and producers have also visited the Chopra family to offer their condolences.
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