Thursday June 27, 2024

King Charles Coronation Invitation: Charity worker 'thrilled' for royal family's gesture

Patricia Ward-Jones says I am thrilled to be invited to the King Charles Coronation Garden Party

By Web Desk
April 10, 2023
King Charles Coronation Invitation: Charity worker thrilled for royal familys gesture

King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla have revealed that 850 community people will attend the coronation in recognition of their charitable contributions, including 450 British Empire Medal recipients and 400 young people from groups chosen by the Royal Family.

Patricia Ward-Jones - a fundraiser for Promise Dreams, a children’s charity based in Wolverhampton - has also received an invite to the Coronation Garden Party.

The 69-year-old could not control her emotions and shared her excitement with public, saying: "I'm going to the garden party on May 3 and we are thrilled to be invited."

She said she would be attending Coronation Garden Party at Buckingham Palace with her husband, Richard.

"I don't know what to expect, although I have been to a garden party before and on that occasion I had an interview with Prince Edward."

She also shared details of her preparations for the party saying: "I will of course have to get a new outfit."

Patricia, from Bridgnorth, was also awarded the BEM for charitable services to terminally ill children and their families during the New Year's Honours list in December.