Seems like Pakistani actor Ushna Shah could not stay away from her fans for more than a week, as the Habs starlet reactivated her Instagram account after “taking a break” of six days from the social media platform where she embroiled herself in the controversy regarding her wedding.
The starlet, whose claim to fame was her appearance in Geo Television’s drama serial Bashar Momin aired in 2014, got married to her beau Hamza Amin — who is an Australian golfer — in the last week of February.
Reactivating her account Ushna shared some unseen pictures and videos from her wedding day which garnered heaps of praise from her fans and fellow fraternity members.
Last week, Shah deactivated her Instagram account after getting "sick and tired" of being trolled on social media.
The Parizad starlet wanted to take a few days off social media following the controversy as she planned on spending her time with her husband, Hamza.
Shah found herself embroiled in an Instagram war on the day of her wedding after she “allegedly bullied a blogger” for bringing a plus one, a photographer who brought a drone when the invite was only the former.
However, within hours the Bala actress issued a public apology as she wanted to “move on” and enjoy her big day.
Later she also took to her Instagram and shared long notes on stories to elaborate on her take regarding the entire episode.
Ushna then announced that she will be taking a break from social media for a few days since the negative comments have affected her mental health deeply and made her question her profession.
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