Anupam Kher in his recent interview with Brut India has shared his views on Oscars 2023 nominations. RRR is the first Indian film to be nominated for the prestigious award. However, buzz was that Vivek Agnihotri’s The Kashmir Files had solid chances to make it there.
The actor shares his thought during the interview saying, "If now RRR has won Critics Choice award, and RRR has won the best song at Golden Globes, it is the greatest feeling for Indian cinema. Why should (we) not we celebrate? So, there must be obviously some problem with The Kashmir Files. I am the first person, who sort of tweeted that because I genuinely felt 'wow the song Naatu Naatu, the whole crowd is dancing on that'. Because till now whatever films that they acknowledged were about poverty of Indians, about some foreigner, who has made a film, whether it is Richard Attenborough or Danny Boyle about Indians. This is the first time a Hindustani film or Telugu film or whatever, an Indian film, has entered the mainstream of cinema."
Earlier, he also congratulated the entire team of RRR for making it to Oscars.
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