Displayed as part of the title for every page in the default/admin/docs themes
The default email that system-generated emails are sent from
Allows you to take the site offline (or bring it back online).
Allows you to set the default number of items displayed by the pager.
Allows you to choose which languages are available for selection by the user.
Allow you to choose the activation method for the site: None/Email/Admin
Email Only/Username Only/Email or Username
Determines whether the 'Remember Me' checkbox is displayed on the login page
Set the minimum length of passwords allowed by the system
If checked, passwords must include numbers.
If checked, passwords must include symbols (characters other than numbers and letters).
If checked, passwords must include lowercase and uppercase letters.
If checked, password validation labels will be displayed.
The number of iterations used in hashing the password. Since this information is stored with the hashed password, this may be changed at any time, but will not change the stretching used on existing passwords. To force a change in this value, you would also have to force all users to reset their passwords.
See article on password management with phpass
Using the 'Reset Now' button will force all users to reset their passwords on their next login.
It will also force you to reset your password on next login, log you out, and exit the page without saving any other settings on this page.
If checked, the profiler will be shown on the admin pages.
If checked, the profiler will also be shown on the front-end pages.
Administrators and/or developers can add additional settings by modifying the /application/config/extended_settings.php file.
See Extended Settings documentation for more information.