HYDERABAD: Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah said on Friday he did not give the orders for the operation the Rangers had conducted in Karachi’s Orangi Town on Tuesday. Speaking to journalists in Bhit Shah, where he performed the closing ceremony of the 267th Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, by laying a Chaddar and offering Fateha at the grave of the great Sufi saint, the chief minister said there were misunderstandings about the operation. He said the police knew the city’s conditions better, but the Rangers had been given the police powers and they could take action against heinous crimes.
Qaim Ali Shah said that some target killers had been arrested and they would be brought to court after being interrogated. APP adds: Earlier, speaking at the Latif Award ceremony, the chief minister said extremism and terrorism could be overcome with the power of Shah Abdullah Bhitai’s message, which embodies love, peace, harmony, tolerance and compassion for humanity.
“In this era of egotism, agitation and terrorism, Shah Bhitai offers a hope for peace, progress and prosperity of humanity,” he added. In view of the prevailing situation of intolerance and extremism, the necessity of spreading the message of Shah Bhitai was being felt more profoundly, the CM said.
“It was due to this reason that the establishment of a Sufism University in Bhit Shah was planned under the directive of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Co-chairman and President Asif Ali Zardari,” he added.
Qaim said that the poetry of Shah Bhitai represented the inner feelings of the hearts of all people dwelling in every part of the world. “His poetry is a solace for the suffering humanity and it restores happiness in the hearts of the saddened,” he said.
Talking about the unemployment issue, the chief minister said that the government was planning to promote the industrial growth in the province so as to create job opportunities. Technical training certificates would
soon be conferred upon the skilled youth who were imparted technical skills under the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Youth Development Programme.
Qaim said under the directive of President Asif Ali Zardari, the Sufism University was being established. “The education about Sufism is a necessity not just for us but for the world at large,” he added.
Later, the chief minister distributed the awards. The Latif Award for this year was conferred upon Sajjada Nashin of Shah Bhitai’s shrine Syed Nisar Hussain Shah and Press Club Bhit Shah represented by its President Khursheed Bughio while the best Raagi Award was given to Faqeer Pir Baksh Soomro.
The award of Best Researcher was bestowed posthumously on Muhammad Hussain Kashif, whose son Saleemullah Arif received it. Meanwhile, the Best Instrument Player Award was received by Muhammad Hassan Malah, Best Singer Award by renowned singer Sanam Marvi, Best Sughar Award by a resident of Shikarpur Waryam Faqeer Shaikh.
Awards were also given for agriculture, livestock and industries categories respectively to Ghulam Sarwar Shaikh, Director General of Animal Husbandry Department, Muhammad Saleem Vistro of Agriculture Department Matiari and EDO Matiari Qurban.
Zahid Hussein Memon of Chief Minister Sindh’s Hepatitis Free Sindh Initiative was given a shield on the occasion. In the category of Cattle Show, awards were received by Gulsher Abro and Ali Hyder Shah. District government Matiari also gave away cash rewards of over Rs400,000 to singers, musicians and Sughars (folk-sages).