Monday March 24, 2025

Glories of Hazrat Pir shah Jewana

May 10, 2006
SHAH JEWANA: The spread of Islam in the sub-continent was the result of hard work of Sufis and Mashaikh. Astana-e-Alia of Hazrat Shah Jewana occupies a distinguished place in this regard and all the elders of this Astana took preaching of Islam as a purpose of life.

The forefather of Saadat-e-Shah Jewana, Makhdoom Syed Jalal ud Din Surkh Bokhari invited cruel ruler like Genghis Khan to embrace Islam and he put him in fire. But, by the Grace of Allah Almighty, the fire was converted into a flower bed and Makhdoom continued to smile amid the flames. Seeing this miracle, the Mongols were astonished and the ruler bowed before Makhdoom and embraced Islam.

The introduction of Islam to barbaric Mongols was a great achievement of Makhdoom Surkh Bokhari, which will be remembered for ever.

No other family except Hazrat Pir Shah Jewana’s can claim this. The family tree of Hazrat Shah Jewana meets Imam Ali Naqi (RA) at sixteenth stage and Makhdoom Syed Jalal-ud-Din Surkh Bokhari at eighth stage. He was born at Kanooj, UP in India in 895 Hijra (1493 AD). Bilal Zubari wrote, “When Hazrat Shah Jewana was born, his father dreamt a third light had been lit in the house. Therefore, he left for Kanooj and took his son into his hands, kissed his forehead and said this child has indication of spirituality. He named him Mahboob Alam”.

The grandfather of Hazrat Shah Jewana Syed Zain-ul-Abidin and father Syed Kabir Shah were great scholars and Faqihs of their time and he obtained the wealth of spirituality from them. He learnt Arabic, Persian, Quran, Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqah from his teacher Qazi Baha-ud-Din and his fame spread all over and Great scholars, Faqirs and Sufis started coming to see him.

Hazrat Shah Jewana was a born saint and miracles started to take place from his early life. One of these was the learning of knowledge about religion. His grandfather Hazrat Syed Zain-ul-Abidin said he had spiritual power due to which he could learn

all the lessons of internal and external knowledge by heart. It seems this had become his second nature. He always kept the ablution intact.

His concentration during prayers had become proverbial. The impact of his prayers got widespread fame and a large gathering of women and men remained present in the mosque at the time of every prayer to get his blessings.

Prof Dr Abdul Latif writes, “Hazrat Pir Shah Jewana was an elder of high level and the knowledge he possessed reflected from his conversation. His every action showed greatness and beauty. In short, everyone got attracted to him with feelings of respect.

In 1556 AD, the son of Raja of Kanooj stabbed after a row during paying with his friends. But no one knew who stabbed him. Saddened Raja went to Hazrat Shah Jewana and requested to grant new life to his son. According to a legend, Hazrat Shah Jewana recited a verse from Surah Al Baqr and put his hand on the body of the boy and by the Grace of Allah, the boy got new life and stood up.

Seeing this, the Raja along with thousands of Hindus became Muslim. The Mughal king, Jehangir, has narrated a similar incident in his book, Tuzk-e-Jehangiri, and that incident is also attributed to Hazrat Shah Alam Ahmadabadi, an elder of Hazrat Shah Jewana family. The son of one of his servants died and he requested Hazrat Shah Alam (an elder of Hazrat Shah Jewana) who prayed and the boy got a new life by the Grace of Allah.

Hazrat Shah Jewana could easily cure patients and grant relief to people difficulties.

In 960 Hijra, 1558 AD in the era of emperor Jalaluddin Din Akbar he left Kanooj to preach Islam and stayed in Hyderabad Deccan for some time. Then he visited the Mazar of Khawaja Naseeruddin Charagh Delhi where he got an indication to leave for western part of the sub-continent. Therefore, he arrived at Lahore where he got another one from his Hazrat Jalaluddin Surkh Bokhari to go to the western part of the sub continent and he left Lahore too. He arrived in Yabal-e-Padhrar, a barren area those days, and started living there often reciting a verse from Surah Al Zamar. In few days, fountains of water spouted from the land turning it green with grass and people started cultivation. One of the fountains is still present in Yabal-e-Padhrar in a well, which is called well of the Pir. His followers consider the water from this fountain as Abe Hayat and drink it a use it as treatment for their spiritual and bodily afflictions.

Hazrat Pir shah Jewana remained busy preaching Islam there impressing the people with his deeds and the defiant tribes of the area embraced Islam at his hand.

After staying there for some time, he left for Jhang. The land of Jhang was not new for him since his forefather Makhdoom Syed Jalaluddin Surkh Bokhari lived there. Sials of Jhang were disciples of Makhdoom and Mai Heer daughter of Sardar Choochak Sial was a disciple of Syed Ahffiad-Kabir, his son.

Hazrat Shah Jewana came to the present town Shah Jewana 20 miles from Jhang in 961 Hijra and made this area centre of his preaching. The place where he lived was close to Chenab River and it soon becomes a big locality famed with the name of Shah Jewana.

Murral Rajputs were ruling the area at that time and they became Muslims after watching miracles of Hazrat Shah Jewana. Besides Murrals, Bharwana, lappa, Noel, Khokhar, Chadhar, Sanpal, Bhatti, Akara, and Rejoka tribes also embraced Islam. He was a saint with sword and ruled over an area where Quran and Shariah were supreme. He always recited Quran even while standing, sitting or walking. He daily walked to Chenab River while reciting holy Quran and villagers were deeply impressed by his good voice, which was also listened in the Bela of the river. Cattle and birds used to gather around him to listen to his recitation. He loved Surah Al Muzammal and recited this millions of times near the river. This impressed the hearts of the tribes and he became famous as “Pir Caroria”.

He used to spend many days in the Bela and his disciples used to gather around him in great number to benefit from his spirituality. His son Sakhi Habib has also a number of miracles on his credit. He used to recite Quranic verses and spend all that he had on the poor, orphans and the needy. Therefore, he got the title of “Sakhi Habib”. It is stated that Sakhi Habib always observed fast. However, food was cooked in great quantity at his place both the times where rich and poor used to dine together. Sakhi Habib also used to join in this meal but his food used to be very simple. It is stated that a local Sardar stopped all the rich people from giving Nazranas to the Langer of Sakhi Habib. On this, Sakhi Habib ordered to cook more food than before and used to recite a verse of Surah Al-Imran. Hazrat Luddan Imam, grandson of Hazrat Pir Shah Jewana was a born Wali too. He started to show miracles in his early life. It is stated that one day hen he was playing outside the city non-believers attacked him on which he jumped on a nearby wall and started reciting Quranic verses. It is stated that at once a snake came crawled out of the wall and become a stick in his hand and he ordered to wall to run, which ran and reached the city. The remains of this wall are still present in Shah Jewana and are famous with the tile of “Pir Ghorah”.

After Hazrat Pir Luddan Imam, a number of elders were born in the Shah Jewana family including Oliya, Ghaus, Kutab and Abdal.

Hazrat Syed Jalal, Hazrat Lal Shah Bokhari, Hazrat Saleh Shah-I, Hazrat Muhammad Ghaus-I and Hazrat Mubarak Shah-I waged Jihad of oratory, pen and sword. Hazrat Pir Saleh Shah-I helped Sial chieftain Ahmad Khan during Ranjeet Singh’s attack. He took the command in his own hands and inflicted heavy losses on the Sikh army. However, due to conspiracy of Hindus, the chieftain got defeated and took refuge with Nawab Muzafar Khan in Multan.

Hazrat Pir Saleh Shah left with his army to bring him back but died during journey at village Bagh in 1806 AD. He died for the sake of Islam.

Hazrat Pir Muhammad Ghaus and Mubarak Shah-I called upon their disciples in Sandal Bar during the first War of Independence in 1857 AD. They came shouting Ya Caroria Ya Caroria and defeated the British under the command of Sajjada Nasheen of Darbar-e-Alia Hazrat Shah Jewana.

A Sikh chief of Mahja Mahla, Sardar Singh saw Al-Hajj Makhdoom Khizar Hayat grandfather of current Sajjada Nasheen Makhdoom Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat in dream asking him to “Come close to me to avoid fire and get relief” on which he found him at Shah Jewana after a long search and got benediction from him and embraced Islam and was named Khak Ali.

AI-Hajj cooperated with Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar during the Khilafat movement and even rejected General Dyer’s (butcher of Muslims at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar) request for help against the Ottoman empire in the World War-I. Makhdoom Khizar Hayat was jailed during the Pakistan movement. Makhdoom Muhammad Ghaus father of Makhdoom Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat also took active part in the Pakistan movement.

The Sajjada Nasheens of Shah Jewana are providing spiritual treatment to the victims of mad dog and snake bites, leprosy and paralysis patients for long.

Hazrat Shah Jewana saw the periods of Indian kings, Sikandar Lodhi, Ibrahim Lodhi, Zaheeruddin Babar, Naseeruddin Humayun, Sher Shah Suri and Jalaluddin Akbar. He passed away in 971 Hijra 1571 AD and Akbar’s right hand Syed Fariduddin Bokhari and Syed Abdul Wahab Bokhari visited Shah Jewana along with other officials of the court on his death. Hazrat Pir shah Jewana had made Surah Al Muzammal as role model for himself. This is unique Surah covers almost all Islamic injections such as Toheed, Risalat, Quran, Judgement, Rights of Allah, Rights of people, ways of reciting holy Quran, prayers and others.

His forefathers also had similar qualities. They introduced tribes of Tabristan to Islam. His close relative Sheikh Farid Bokhari rejected the religious policy of Mughal king, Jalaluddin Akbar, alongside Hazrat Mujadad Alf Sani.

Every year a fair is held on the Mazar of Hazrat Shah Jewana on 28th, 29th and 30th of Besakh (May 10, 11, 12). Earlier this fair used to be the Urs of Hazrat Luddan Imam, which later turned to be a fair. A number of ceremonies such a Ziarat, Tabarkat, tying of Gana, Chaki Chung, distribution of Gurh, Kiri, Chadar laying and Bhatti Jhalka are performed. But the greatest of these is the ceremony of Rasm-e-Chiragh performed on May 10, which is the climax of the Urs. Thousands of villagers gather around the mark of Hazrat Shah Jewana and others climb on trees. First of all, Sehra is tied on Mazar of Pir Luddan Imam. In the evening, the Sajjada Nasheen alongside Saadat Bokhari arrives at the mark and Malangs start Dhamals. the Tabarkat of Hazrat Shah Jewana including his Kashkol Chattu, Mohlla Chhaj, Nad-e-Faqar and Chattori, his total worldly assets.

Beside this, Kanthe, Gulab, Bohte and Dastar Mubarak of Hazrat Pir shah Jewana are present in Noori Mehal, a room at Makhdoom House. These items are worn by every Sajjada Nasheen at the time of Kiri ceremony every year and after that these are placed back.

The Sajjada Nasheen of Shah Jewana has also a copy of a Quran written by Hazrat Ali. The shrine of Hazrat Shah Jewana is in the south of Shah Jewana town and surrounded by Ban trees. The grave is not paved is surrounded by the graves of other late Sajjadgan. Devotees are seen at the shrine round the clock and Langer continues 24 hours a day.