Saturday September 28, 2024

Dargai bomb blast condemned

November 09, 2006
ISLAMABAD: Political leaders, belonging to the government and the opposition condemned the Dargai incident in which 42 Army Jawans embraced Shahadat on Wednesday.

Interior Minister Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao condemned the suicide attack, saying no terrorist attack could deter the government from pursuing “our supreme national interest of eliminating terrorism.”

“I very strongly condemn the reprehensible and cowardly act of terrorism against the innocent recruits undergoing training at the Punjab Regimental Training Centre in Dargai,” the minister said in a statement.

According to information, Sherpao said, the attack was carried out by a lone man who ran into the normal gathering of recruits who were undergoing their training drills. “He blew himself up in their midst causing heavy casualties.”

The minister said that while investigations are under way it is believed that the Dargai attack had a linkage to what happened in Bajaur last week.

Political Affairs Minister for Amir Muqam, in a statement, expressed deep sorrow. “Terrorists are neither friends of Islam nor well-wishers of Pakistan,” he maintained.

NWFP Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani said it is an act of naked aggression which has shaken the conscience of the humanity. He stressed the need

for unveiling the real hands behind this tragic incident and urged the security agencies to investigate the matter from every angle.

Hafiz Hussain Ahmed of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal said he was saddened by the deaths, but criticised the government for fomenting the bloodshed.

“The government is to be blamed for today’s attack. If you kill innocent students and teachers by attacking their school, you should be ready to face such things,” he said.

“People will not send you flowers if you kill children.”

President of Awami National Party Senator Asfandyar Wali Khan also expressed deep shock and condoled with the bereaved families.

Maulana Samiul Haq expressed his profound grief and shock.

He prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the departed souls in eternal peace.

Our Peshawar correspondent adds: NWFP Governor Lt-Gen (retd) Ali Muhammad Jan Orakzai strongly condemned the suicide attack, describing it a heinous act of cowardice.

The governor said that the elements involved in the incident could not remain at large till long and would be brought to book shortly.

Rejecting any link of the Bajaur incident with the Dargai suicide attack, MNA Haroon-ur-Rashid said the people of Bajaur lodged a peaceful protest on every occasion against the killing of innocent students of the seminary.

“Thousands of tribesmen in Bajaur gathered for so many times after the attack on the

seminary but neither a single stone had been hurled at the check-post of any security force nor any official has been attacked,” Haroonur Rashid told The News.

Provincial President of Pakistan Peoples’ Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) Rahim Dad Khan condemned the suicide attack.

He said the people had been earlier accusing and cursing the Army generals in their meetings and processions but now the suicide bombing has targeted the innocent soldiers, who usually obey the orders of their superiors.

The NWFP Assembly unanimously condemned suicide attack and urged the federal government to take steps to prevent such incidents in future.

Pakistan Peoples Party-Sherpao’s Israrullah Gandapur, the ruling Pakistan Muslim League’s Mushtaq Ghani and Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal’s Zafar Azam jointly moved the resolution for which the acting speaker, Khalid Waqar Chamkani had relaxed the rules.

The entire House passed it with big yes when the chair sought the consent of members.