Saturday September 21, 2024

Book on Indus Valley to be launched today

April 23, 2009

Asian Study Group will hold a launching ceremony of a research book ‘Melluhas of the Indus Valley (8000 BC - 500BC)’ here today (April 23).

Based on the culture and civilization of the Indus Valley, the book is written by the writer Naeem Tahir while the launching ceremony is being held at the auditorium of National Art Gallery.

Director General, Department of Archaeology and Museum, Fazl Dad Kakar and eminent poet and literary activist, Kishwar Naheed will highlight the importance of the book and the services of the writer at the launching ceremony whereas Ambassador of Switzerland, Markus Peter will deliver keynote address.

The book is a solid research in archaeology, anthropology, prehistory and mythologies with valuable reference material and a book of general interest for all those who took pride in their national heritage.

‘Melluhas of the Indus Valley’ has captures 250 works of art by the ancient people and glorious part of the ancient recorded civilisation.

Based on 10 years of intense research and dedication, Naeem Tahir has attempted to lift the veil from that intriguing period of the Indus Valley Civilisation of approximately three millennium ago.

The ceremony will be followed by the performances including ‘Moenjodaro’ in which the artists will present the oldest record of five thousand years ago dance poses of a Moenjodaro girl discovered by archaeologists in the 20th century.

While a performance ‘Songs of Love’ will be presented by Akhtar Channal who renders songs of love and mind maps for travellers in his native tongue, the 5000 year old Brahvi.

The event will also include a multi-media presentation by the writer regarding various aspects of the material included in the book.