Friday March 28, 2025

Shams Pir Island gets

September 22, 2008

A ceremony for the installation of a water filtration plant was held at the Shams Pir Island. The project has been funded by the Government of Japan, according to a press release issued Sunday.

Japan provided a grant of US$43,389 (approximately Rs3.3 million) to the Indus Earth Trust, a non-profit organization (NPO), for the project aiming to provide potable water to the residents of Shams Pir Island. This social sector development project started in 2005 under an aid scheme of the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP), in which Japan aims to assist non-governmental organizations (NGOs), NPOs, and semi-governmental authorities to fulfill their developmental needs.

The project will benefit approximately 5,000 residents, mainly local, and enable the provision of clean and safe drinking water.

Japanese Consul-General Akinori Wada emphasised the sustainability of the project and the importance of the sense of ownership by local people and assured that Japan would make all possible efforts to construct and develop a sustainable society in Pakistan through the utilisation of Pakistan’s potential. —APP

Baldia Town Nazim visits UC-3: Kamran Akhtar, Nazim, Baldia Town, said on Sunday the local administration had made proper planning to complete the development projects of the town.

He visited Union Council-3, Sector No 9 along with the town officials. During the visit, the Nazim monitored the work at the under-construction road.