Peer learning initiative for single window officials from Central Asia and Pakistan

October 13, 2022

Islamabad : A Peer Learning Initiative on Single Windows Implementation and Management is organised by the International Trade Centre in the framework of the European Union funded Ready4Trade Central Asia (R4TCA) and hosted by the Pakistan Single Window, says a press release.


The event brings together public and private sector customs and trade experts from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to share their knowledge, experiences, and regional best practices for the development and implementation of the national single window.

Naveed Qamar, the Federal Minister for Commerce was the Chief Guest at the opening session while the keynote address was delivered by Mukarram Jah Ansari, Member Customs Operations, Federal Board of Revenue.

The Federal Minister of Commerce Syed Naveed Qamar appreciated the efforts of PSW and stated that since this is the first in-person event in Islamabad on a very important theme it makes it even more special. He restated Pakistan’s commitment to trade facilitation and said, “Our government is committed to deepening our political, diplomatic, and trade relations with all our neighboring states. Our ties with Central Asia go back several centuries and both regions have benefitted from the free flow of idea, goods, and people over national and international boundaries from ancient times. Our government is keen to revive those ties through increased engagement on government to government and people to people levels, and by providing the enabling environment to promote regional trade and connectivity.”

The national single window for trade and transport is an established concept that provides a digital platform for electronic exchange of information amongst different stakeholders engaged in cross border trade. The Single Window digitises all cross-border trade related processes, procedures, regulatory and information requirements and allows for electronic processing of customs declaration and other cross border trade related documents such as import permits, licenses, export certificates, and other documents providing a paperless and streamlined cross-border trading environment. The three-day event aims to present and discuss the state of development and implementation of the NSWs in these countries to enable mutual learning, discuss past and present challenges in implementation, and share best practices and lessons learned. It will also ensure that regional networks of exports are established, intensify sharing knowledge on obstacles to trade, strengthen trust among experts and formulate coordinated solutions in facilitating trade and border practices.

In his welcome note, Pierre Bonthonneau, ITC Senior Trade Facilitation Adviser said, “Peer Learning Initiatives are to network with the same people who are facing similar challenges, to exchange ideas for bringing reforms and to create a human infrastructure that is necessary for coordination and connection of countries for trade reforms”

Pakistan recently rolled out its own single window-Pakistan Single Window-on June 30, 2022 in line with its commitments under the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement. The system integrates Pakistan Customs, Department of Plant Protection, Animal Quarantine Department, Federal Seed Certification & Registration Department, Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority, and the Export Development Fund. In addition, 29 commercial banks are also integrated with the PSW platform for exchange of cross border trade related financial information in real time. * * *
