Prince Harry made himself ‘incredibly hard to reach’ for Queen’s death?

Prince Harry ‘was incredibly hard to reach’ for Queen’s funeral, experts and aides break silence

By Web Desk
September 30, 2022

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Prince Harry has allegedly become ‘very hard to reach’ for any Palace aides.

The royal editor for the Daily Mail, Rebecca English posed this question and brought it to light.

She began by pointing out the claims of one well-placed source that branded Prince Harry as ‘hard to reach’ and attributed that to be the reason for the three-hour announcement delay.

The “source explained that ‘few people in the family’ were regularly in touch with Harry anymore and that he could also be ‘incredibly hard to reach’.”

Before concluding she also added, “Whatever the truth, it highlights the complexity of the relationship between the Royal Family and Harry, which saw him leave Balmoral on the first possible fight out of Aberdeen the morning after his grandmother died.”
