By You Desk
April 12, 2022


Appreciation and recognition are powerful motivators leading to an increase in performance, productivity, morale, and overall satisfaction. Awards provide an important opportunity to raise the profile of women, celebrate achievement, and showcase success. Awards not only acknowledge success; they recognise many other qualities: ability, struggle, effort and, above all, excellence.


March is generally viewed as Women’s Month. Each year in the month of March, a number of important awards are given to exceptional women for their outstanding services in various field by different organisations all over the world as part of their commitment to helping forge women’s equality.

One such organisation is Pine Global. The organisation recently launched its first We Lead Awards 2022 on 25th March. The ceremony was held at a local hotel in Karachi. The project was initiated by Pine Community and friends of Pine in celebration of Women’s International Month. Primarily, these awards were given to encourage girls and women who were doing exceptionally good in their small startups.

Hina Yousuf, a young entreprenuer

For those who do not know, the term startup refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand. Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed an incredible increase in women entrepreneurs having their own startups. And Pine Global held these awards in a bid to celebrate success of some of the amazing women entrepreneurs.

Mr Adnan, the CEO of FHM Publications, appreciated and applauded the recognition of startup small businesses and empowered the women entrepreneurs by acknowledging their contribution to socio-economic development. Mr Atif Osmani, the Director of Osmani & Company Pvt. Ltd, expressed his feelings by submitting that such events contribute towards a positive and progressive society.

Sanya, a young entreprenuer

Ms Maria Rashdi, the Head of Corporate Communications at Shan Foods Pvt. and Board of Adviser at Pine Global, while receiving the award on the behalf of her mother-in-law Mahtab Akbar Rashdi, said that it was wonderful to be a part of such an event for the first time, where female entrepreneurs’ small businesses were recognised.

Sir Rasheed Noorani, the Training Consultant and Change Agent, appreciated the startups by encouraging them to never give up on their dreams.

There was another category ‘Women supporting Women’ in which awards were given to women journalists and prominent personalities in recognition of their extraordinary work in their respective fields.

Ms Erum Masood the CEO & Founder of Pine Global said that she felt empowered by empowering the other female entrepreneurs and believed that behind every successful woman is the woman herself. She further appreciated the contribution made by her team members and Ms Maria Tahir for leading the We Lead Awards project.

Ms Masood shared that supporting small businesses, celebrating ‘Break the Bias’ theme and standing alongside women to support each other fulfilled the objective of this event. “Pine Global International is expanding its horizons as two major incubation centers would be set up in London and Dubai later this year,” informed Ms Masood.

At the end of the ceremony acknowledgments and appreciations by and for everyone was announced and a promise was made to keep growing and improving every day.

– You! desk
