PM Imran Khan facing no-trust at behest of western powers: Shah Mehmood Qureshi

By News Desk
March 16, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said Prime Minister Imran Khan's observation that he is facing a no-trust motion at the behest of some western powers, is correct.


"I have more information than this," the foreign minster said while talking to media here on Tuesday, adding that he would reveal more if the prime minister asked him to do so.

It may be recalled that it was after a meeting of the heads of the component parties in Islamabad on Dec 6 last year that the PDM had announced its plan to hold an anti-inflation long march towards the capital on Pakistan Day.

The foreign minister said the no-confidence motion moved against the prime minister will face defeat. He said there is chaos in the ranks of opposition parties and they do not have the required numbers. Qureshi said the unholy alliance amongst the opposition parties is not durable and will shatter soon as their ideology and destination is not the same. He said we will face the no-confidence motion in a constitutional, political and democratic manner. He said a public gathering to be held at D-Chowk on 27th of this month will be peaceful in which the prime minister will put his point of view before the public.
