How the technology is affecting our health

In our daily life, we are dependent on these machines to the extent that to imagine the loss of even one makes us highly anxious....

By Aks e Zehra
March 11, 2022


It is no revelation that humans of this generation are living a luxurious life. The use of technology has eased our life so much that we can no longer function without the machines, gadgets and appliances that keep on becoming better with the new advancements in technology. In our daily life, we are dependent on these machines to the extent that to imagine the loss of even one makes us highly anxious.


Technology, no doubt, is useful for us, but not at the cost of our deteriorating health. The amount of time we spend looking at the screen of our mobiles and computers, or typing passively and not giving our brains and bodies the exercise they require can rival the destruction in the body caused by smoking.

Modern technology is highly addictive; we spend hours cooped up in a room in front of devices, checking our phones every given second. This can result in headaches and back pains which are just the start of the problems caused by the misuse of technology. It can isolate us from our dear ones, and keep us from the real world everyone must experience, which is much better than the virtual world. Lack of face-to-face communication skills, deprivation of human Interaction, short attention span, insomnia and anxiety are also caused by excessive use of technology.

Technology has made us lazy. The problem is that inventors invent appliances and gadgets to help others, but the users become so dependent on these machines that it makes them lazy. We depend on machines to do our work and, as a result, fail to get the exercise required to keep us fit (not everyone has access or inclination to join a gym).

We are left with two choices: first is to decide how much technology to use, and the second option is that we let technology control us. Unfortunately, we’re leaning more towards the latter.

We cannot deny the advantages of using technology. In fact, we can hardly do without it, but too much dependence has deprived us of our ability to do our own work. So, in my opinion, the best thing we can do is to use technology in moderation. It has its pros and cons and we should be aware of those pros and cons because to remain ignorant is only going to harm us.

So, I ask you now: are you willing to use technology excessively and risks your mental and physical health? Disregard and ignore your dear ones and ruin your life by gluing yourself to the screens of your cells, tablets and other such stuff? In the end, it’s your life and your choice.
