‘Opposition’s politics not based on any ideology’

February 21, 2022

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar said on Saturday the opposition had proved that their politics was not based on any principle or ideology as opposition leaders had no interest in resolving peoples’ problems.


In a statement, he said the people were fully aware of these elements which destroyed the economy in their regimes. He said rejected elements were confused to see the country moving towards the right direction. He said that politics of propaganda was the old tactic of the opposition and the opponents were only busy in doing political points scoring.

Usman Buzdar said that opposition’s leaders should remember that suffering humanity can’t be served by chanting hollow slogans. He said the people were fed up of the negative political gimmickry of these politicians. The opposition parties had shown irresponsible behavior even in extraordinary circumstances, he added.

Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has directed the authorities concerned including the police and administration to strictly implement the ban on kite-flying in the province.

He warned that kite-flying and any violation of the ban would not be tolerated. He said that wherever an incident of kite-flying would take place, the police and administration concerned would be held responsible. The CM expressed indignation over the incidents of kite-flying in some cities and said that safeguarding the lives of people was a collective responsibility. He asked police and the administration to take more effective measures to stop kite-flying.

Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has congratulated newly-elected president of Multan Press Club and other office-bearers. In a f message, he expressed good wishes and hoped that the newly-elected body would utilise all their energies for solving problems of the journalist community and work for their welfare.
