Three more die from dengue fever

By Our Correspondent
October 31, 2021

LAHORE : Health Secretary Imran Sikandar Baloch reviewed the current situation of dengue in the whole province.


Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Secretary Imran Sikandar Baloch directed the department to intensify the dengue prevention activities across Punjab. In this regard, he appealed to the people to take special care of cleanliness and said no garbage should be dumped in the open places. Precautionary measures against dengue are very important.

During the last 24 hours, 594 confirmed cases of dengue infection were reported across the province. As many as 452 confirmed cases were reported in Lahore and 49 in Rawalpindi.

This year, 43 people died from dengue fever all over Punjab. In the last 24 hours, total three deaths were reported all over the province. All of the deceased were from Lahore. A total of 2,306 patients are undergoing treatment across Punjab out of which 1,489 patients are in Lahore’s hospitals.

In the last 24 hours 412, 209 indoor spots and 99,299 outdoor places were checked for dengue larva in the province. Larvae were destroyed at 1,610 spots. In Lahore, 65,117 indoor places were checked for dengue larvae and 9,676 outdoor spots were checked and 1,135 positive containers were destroyed.

Health Secretary Imran Sikandar Baloch said that precautionary measures against dengue should also be taken besides taking precautionary measures against coronavirus. He appealed to all the religious scholars of Punjab to inform the worshipers coming to the mosques about the prevention from dengue. He asked the people do not let accumulate water and keep your surroundings neat and clean. He requested the people to extend full cooperation to the Health Department teams if they came to your home or business for the checking of dengue larva.
