Seminaries’ role in national development underscored

By Our Correspondent
August 30, 2021

Islamabad : Madaris are the integral part of society, so their role in national development cannot be neglected, said Rector of the International Islamic University Islamabad Dr. Masoom Yasinzai.


He was addressing a workshop held at Hazara University for young intellectuals and scholars of religious seminaries organised by Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD), IIUI.

The rector, addressing the concluding ceremony, said Madaris cannot be dissociated from society.

He hailed role of Madaris saying that these are the hubs of disseminating Islam’s message of peace. He added that Islam is a global and complete religion. Stressing upon Youth to take guidance from Islamic values, he said life of the Prophet (PBUH) is an exquisite path that leads to the success in this world and in the next as well.

Appreciating the government’s decision of single national curriculum, Dr. Masoom urged that it must be implemented in the religious seminaries.

The ceremony was also attended by V.C. Hazara University Dr. Jameel Ahmed, famous legal expert barrister Zafar ullah Khan and Executive Director IRD Dr. Husn ul Amin.

On the occasion, Dr. Husn ul Amin appreciated the interest of participants and vowed to continue such activities in future.

V.C. of the Hazara University opined that university and IRD have initiated the work for interfaith harmony that shall continue. Later, a MoU of mutual cooperation was also signed between IIU and Hazara University at the end of the ceremony.
