LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Tuesday restrained the office of the federal ombudsman from deciding a case against the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) and sought replies from the secretary Wafaqi Mohtasib and his deputy director of Multan.
Justice Muzamil Akhtar Shabbir passed the order on a petition filed by the PCB, assailing a notice from the Mohtasib Regional Office Multan wherein the hearing was being illegally conducted by its deputy director (incharge). PCB legal advisor Taffazul Haider Rizvi argued that the deputy director of the Multan office was reminded that only the Wafaqi Mohtasib could hold a hearing but the officer not only held that hearing but also claimed that no counsel was allowed to address him and he was fully empowered by the Wafaqi Mohtasib to decide any matter. The advisor told the court that under the Establishment of the Office of Wafaqi Mohtasib Order 1983, it was only the Wafaqi Mohtasib who could hold a hearing and decide any matter and this had already been held in various judgments by the LHC and the Supreme Court. He said the judgments had declared that no judicial/interim order could be issued by any staff/consultant. Rizvi further argued that blatant illegalities were afoot at the office of the Wafaqi Mohtasib as matters were illegally being heard and decided by staff members/consultants and the Wafaqi Mohtasib only in a mechanical manner was approving these findings without holding any hearing that was a brazen violation of law and judgments.
Relying on another judgment of the SC, Rizvi said only in domestic inquires, counsel were not allowed but the Mohtasib was illegally attempting to refuse parties to be represented by advocates in violation of the law. The judge sought replies from the respondents by Sept 14 and ordered that no final decision on the basis of hearing held by the deputy director Multan shall be passed.