PM interviews candidates for AJK PM slot

By Sabah
July 30, 2021

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has interviewed the elected members of Azad Jammu Kashmir Legislative Assembly (MLAs) for next Prime Minister of AJK.Barristers Sultan Khawaja, Farooq Sardar, Tanveer Ilyas Khan and Azhar Sadiq had held separate meetings with the prime minister. According to the sources, Imran Khan questioned the candidates about their vision for tourism, hydropower, minerals, health, education and development works. All four candidates shared their priorities for Azad Kashmir. Talking to the media, Barrister Sultan Mahmood said that there was no number game and everyone was united. Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan said that consultation is underway in the party on special seats, adding that a decision for speaker, deputy speaker and other posts is yet to be made.


Khawaja Farooq said consultation with the party chairman was held on various issues and special seats.

Meanwhile, Imran Khan said the issue of water scarcity in the country was very important and needed to be addressed on priority.\

The prime minister expressed these views in a meeting with Attorney General for Pakistan Khalid Jawed Khan, who briefed him about the Water Commission Report and the ongoing judicial reforms.

Imran Khan said that through judicial reforms, the government was working on delivery of speedy justice to the common man.
