Think before you speak

July 13, 2021

Election campaigns in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) are at their peak. The two main opposition parties, the PML-N and the PPP, are holding jalsas there. But the worst thing that is happening is that the leaders of the two parties are highlighting the shortcomings of other parties, especially the ruling party. The opposition parties and the sitting government are involved in another round of blame game. The ruling party is talking about the time when Narendra Modi met the Sharifs and brought presents for the family. It is accusing the opposition party of accepting gifts from the enemy of Kashmir. On the other hand, the PML-N is doing the same; it has said that the sitting government has sold Kashmir. Who gave them the right to call each other a traitor? Such accusations are not political slogans that will be forgotten after some days. These accusations will weaken the official narrative of Pakistan on the Kashmir cause. The two parties need to be careful.


Saman Amjad

