Wani’s martyrdom observed as resistance day in Kashmir

By Syed Abbas Gardezi
July 09, 2021

MUZAFFARABAD: The fifth martyrdom anniversary of renowned Young Kashmiri freedom fighter Burhan Muzaffar Wani was commemorated as resistance day in Kashmir across the Line of Control (LOC) on Thursday with the determination to follow his footsteps and continue struggle for the right to self-determination.


A rally was organised by the Jammu Kashmir Liberation cell and education department from Jinnah Pilot High School to upper Ada in Muzaffarabad to pay homage to Shaheed Burhan Wani and expressed solidarity with the people of Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K). A large number of young students and people participated in the rally, chanting slogans against Indian occupation and in favour of freedom carrying pictures of Burhan Wani.

Speakers in the rally, while paying tribute to the great sacrifice of Wani, said his blood will not go in waste and the struggle for the right to self-determination will continue till its logical end and India will not succeed to suppress the legitimate struggle of people.

Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir also organised a rally in Neelum Valley to pay homage to Shaheed Wani on his 5th martyrdom and renew the pledge to continue his struggle forward till the achievements of objectives.

Youngsters waved swords to express solidarity with the oppressed people of IIOJK while chanting slogans and marched towards the ceasefire line. An organised contingent of Kashmiri youths saluted the picture of Burhan Wani and waived national flags of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Hundreds of youngsters took oath to remain determined for resistance and independence from India like Burhan Wani.

While addressing the resistance rally, Usman Ali Hashim, Vice Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir said that today the Kashmiri people reiterate their commitment for independence from India. He said, "We (Kashmiri) send a message to India that we do not recognise Indian occupation." He said that the Kashmiri people, while paying homage to Burhan Wani Shaheed and millions of other great martyrs, renewed their commitment that their struggle would continue till the achievement of independence and right to self-determination.
