’Tis the New Year

As the New Year approaches, it’s time for new resolutions, parties and festivities.

By Sumeha Khalid
December 29, 2015

As the New Year approaches, it’s time for new resolutions, parties and festivities. So, with the year 2015 drawing to a close, You! talks to some leading personalities from fashion and showbiz to find out their plans for the New Year. Happy 2015 to all our readers!

Q1. What has been your notable achievement in 2015?

Q2. What was your biggest setback in 2015?


Q3. The best movie you have seen in 2015?

Q4. Did you witness any positive change in our country in
terms of governance or in any other field?

Q5. What are your targets for 2016?

Q6. Your New Year’s Eve plan?

Samar Mehdi

1: I am especially proud of two career achievements. Firstly, I launched my second sub line of my label - Plus by Samar Mehdi. Secondly, we designed the official delivery uniforms of OPTP.

2: No setbacks whatsoever by the grace of Allah.

3: My two favourites would be - ‘The Martian’ which was such a simple yet effective case of storytelling and ‘Bajrangi Bhaijan’ just utterly moved me.

4: Not enough! But if I were to pick, I think Karachi has been safer and Zarb-e-Azb has done well too.

5: More retail expansion! Multan is next. Continue to be there for my family and travel.

6: As always, spending some quality time with loved ones.

Ahsan Khan

1: I won HUM TV award for best actor this year.

2: No setbacks. Everything is a learning process and I am content with whatever comes my way.

3: ‘The Imitation Game’.

4: Definitely! Raheel Shareef’s efforts to bring about a positive change.

5: I believe in going with the flow. However, my main target is to educate my kids and try to make them good citizens. Also there are two films and my own production house film and drama in the pipeline.

6: Let’s see....

Huma Adnan

1: I showcased various collections and my brand reached bigger horizons.

2: I don’t believe in setbacks. They always teach you something and set a base to move forward.

3: There were lots of local movie releases and I loved ‘Manto’ and ‘Shah’.

4: The positive change has to come from the people. The government has failed and it needs strength from its people.

5: For 2016 I have big plans for my brand. I want it to reach new heights since the objective of my brand is to make Pakistan proud.

6: Spending time with my family.

Zhalay Sarhadi

1: The release of my film ‘Jalaibee’.

2: That too would be Jalaibee’s release as I took a long break for its promotions and so missed on a lot of work.

3: I just loved ‘Bajrangi Bhaijan’.

4: I honestly can’t comment on this but I feel people are more aware now and to fool them would be stupid in the long run.

5: My targets are always to be happy. To be able to do satisfying work. To get fitter in mind and body and generally not let negativity affect me.

6: My New Year Eve’s plan is to hang out with my near and dear ones and just have fun.

Junaid Khan

1: I think bringing back CALL band to our fans was something that was notable this year.

2: It has been very productive year for me both in terms of music and acting. I can’t think of a setback.

3: ‘Spectre’.

4: Karachi has become safer now and because of that the overall business has improved. Also in my field, the cinema sales have been huge.

5: Personally and professionally, a lot is happening. So, once things are finalized only then I can share.

6: I think I’ll be working on New Year’s Eve. Not sure!

Hina Bayat

1: I don’t know if I can call it an achievement but it definitely is a milestone in my life - my first film ‘Manto’; and the incredible and unexpected response it has received from audience and critics alike.

2: I never think of anything as a setback - every experience is always a step forward as long as one learns from it.

3: Too many on my list! Pakistan made us so proud with brilliant films like ‘Manto’, ‘Moor’ and ‘Shah’ - different genres, themes, treatment, locales but one common factor - they all had heart, soul and passion!

4: Definitely! It took a long time coming but the armed forces operation against terrorism has finally given some sense of security and stability to our country.

5: To fulfil my commitments, professional and personal, so that my existence is justified as a Pakistani and as a human being.

6: Ringing in the New Year with people who really matter to me and will be there for me, for years to come.

Atiqa Odho

1: It would be celebrating my 30th year in media in February amongst my family and nearest and dearest friends at the Indus valley school.

2: None by the grace of Allah. It was a very good year with lots of happy memories.

3: I loved watching all the Pakistani releases.

4: Our talent pool keeps expanding and growing in various fields.

5: I pray that God gives me, my family and all my loved ones health and happiness.

6: We always stay home with our family to celebrate.

Fouzia Aman

1: I have achieved a lot in 2015 both professionally and personally.

2: None.

3: ‘Minions’.

4: This year we have forgotten our differences and are trying to unite.

5: To continue working as one of the top models of the country.

6: To spend time with family.

Juggun Kazim

1: Notable achievement of 2015 is actually surviving 2015. This has been a tough year in terms of health issues and general life.

2: I would say my brand launch of JUGGUNS getting delayed till April 2016. My partner and I were hoping to launch it by the end of December.

3: Best movie of 2015 would have to be ‘Inside Out’. Hamza and I loved it.

4: I believe this year has been a tough year but a year of growth and positivity.

5: 2016 is a big year. My brand JUGGUNS launches and so does my film ‘Sedare’ which is an English thriller directed by Adnan Ahmad. Plus I’ve got a couple of acting projects lined up. My relationship with Garnier continues into the 6th year and I am under contract with PTV for another two years for my Morning show. So busy busy busy.

6: I don’t go to parties and stay out all night. I love hanging out at home with my husband and Hamza. Cuddle in bed and watch movies with a ton of microwave popcorn. Chilling and easing into the New Year. Start the year stress free.


1: For a very long time I wanted to be involved in sports broadcast. I got just that - the right opportunity during the Pakistan Vs England cricket series on ten sports.

2: My biggest setback would be my indecisiveness, as it kept things on hold for a few months throughout the year.

3: The best movie I saw in 2015 was unquestionably ‘Manto’.

4: In my humble opinion the Karachi operation was a giant leap for a better, more secure city. Also, I was very happy to see more Pakistani films being produced.

5: Mission Parwaaz... my attempt to circumnavigate the globe in a single engine propeller driven small airplane.

6: New Year’s evening will be a great family dinner at home.
