ISLAMABAD: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his Friday’s meeting, asked Nawaz Sharif to think out of the box for improving Pak-India relations, just like the earlier meeting in Paris and now in Lahore.
Nawaz in his response said both sides would have to continue the dialogue process despite the difficult circumstances, as the two prime ministers reiterated their resolve to move ahead with the talks.
During his stay at Jati Umra, Modi also met Maryam Nawaz and the prime minister’s mother who advised him that he and Nawaz should stay united. “Now, you will have to move forward together.”
Modi replied that they were, as they met in the corridor of the prime minister’s residence.
As the Indian prime minister landed in Lahore with a 250-member delegation, the Pakistani government issued transit visa to 11 personalities after which the meeting began at Jati Umra.
At first, the prime minister asked the foreign secretary to give a briefing on the national security advisers’ meeting. After the briefing, Modi said he had no idea that the Pakistan government had started making such positive efforts.
Modi told Nawaz that he arrived in Pakistan with a hope that he (Nawaz) would take the dialogue forward, adding that he had heard about his (Nawaz’s) sincerity around the world.
At this, Nawaz stressed the need for uninterrupted Pak-India talks despite the tricky situation, while Modi called for innovations to keep the process going.