PPP, PML-N not pleased with government's newly proposed media ordinance

PPP Senator Sherry Rehman and PML-N spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb criticise PTI government's proposed media ordinance on Twitter

By Web Desk
May 31, 2021

Leading representatives of opposition parties PPP and PML-N lashed out at the government and its newly proposed Pakistan Media Development Authority Ordinance, 2021, calling it "draconian".

Both PPP Senator Sherry Rehman and PML-N spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb criticise the PTI government's proposed media ordinance on Twitter Monday.


Rehman said the proposed law may even extend control to digital platforms.

She said it is a plan for "institutionalising censorship" and under it, media outlets will "either become state mouthpieces or go under".

Rehman said there will be no onus on the government to provide warning or rationales for clampdowns and that the law may even extend control to digital platforms.

PML-N's spokesperson, too, has several problems with the media ordinance.

She said it is a "draconian, authoritarian, repressive and punitive" instrument to "suppress constitutional freedom of expression of print media, electronic media and online citizen journalism".

She said she will address a press conference on the issue at 4pm today (Monday).

Earlier, civil and rights bodies in Pakistan had also condemned new media ordinance, termed it a 'media martial law'.

The ordinance proposes to repeal all current media related laws including The Press Council Ordinance 2002, The Press, Newspapers, News Agencies and Books Registration Ordinance 2002, the Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Services Acts) 1973, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Ordinance 2002 as amended by PEMRA Amendment Act 2007, and The Motion Pictures Ordinance 1979. All will be merged under PMDA.
