Webinar on water, food security

By Our Correspondent
May 30, 2021

Islamabad : The experts speaking at the webinar on Saturday opined that the core reasons for the degradation of ecosystems they cited were the unchecked deforestation, use of land change and overexploitation of natural resources including subsurface water.


Aquifers are depleting casing severe threat to water security as we have already reached below the required water per capita. The unsustainable adaptation mechanisms have led us to a dangerous situation. We among the top five countries most vulnerable to disasters and climate change impact that would immensely affect water and food security. Development Communications Network (Devcom-Pakistan) and DTN organised the webinar on the subject “Ecosystem restoration for water and food security for all” on Saturday to boost the World Environment Day (June 5) theme.

Climate advocacy expert and Executive Director Devcom-Pakistan Munir Ahmed hosted and conducted the webinar. Introducing the topic, he said, “Pakistan’s all eleven ecosystems are under severe threats because of the negligence. There is no sufficient check on deforestation that has declined to much less than two percent. The 10 billion tree tsunami project is focusing more on plantation of saplings while timber and housing mafias are free to their will for changing the land-use and chopping off trees. Illegal hunting of migratory birds remained unchecked.
