Sindh Assembly unanimously condemns Israeli aggression in Gaza

By Azeem Samar
May 22, 2021

The Sindh Assembly on Friday unanimously passed a joint resolution to condemn the recent Israeli aggression resulting in the killings of innocent Palestinians.


At the request of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, the House suspended its agenda for the day to discuss and pass the resolution to express solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians.

All the parliamentary groups in the legislature jointly presented the resolution. The treasury and opposition legislators who took part in the discussion on the resolution unanimously condemned the Israeli atrocities and urged the government to play its due role to rattle the conscience of the international community regarding the freedom struggle of the Palestinians.

Speaking on the resolution, the CM said that had there been leaders like Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Yasser Arafat, and Shah Faisal in the Muslim Ummah at present, the oppressed Palestinians would not have to see the situation they had been witnessing.

He expressed gratitude to both the treasury and opposition lawmakers for the joint resolution in the Sindh Assembly in support for the Palestinians. Israel was a proven terrorist state in the world, Shah said, adding that Israel had been committing aggression with impunity as it felt no need to issue any explanation after attacking Palestinians.

The CM lamented that the Muslim World had been bereft of bold leaders who had the courage to vocally raise their voice against such naked aggression. He said that after the demise of leaders like Bhutto, Faisal and Arafat, the case of the Ummah on the Palestinian issue had been weakened.

He recalled that former prime minister Benazir Bhutto had refused to take permission from Israel to visit Gaza. “The Ummah would not have to face such a situation had such leadership been alive today,” he said. He also mentioned that some Arab countries had established ties with Israel.

The CM emphasised that Pakistan needed to do more efforts on the diplomatic front to help the people of Palestine. He also appreciated the ceasefire announced between Israel and Palestine.

He said that the Sindh government had brought forward the resolution to press the Pakistani government to do more to highlight the issues of the oppressed people of Kashmir and Palestine waging struggle for freedom of the native land.

Opposition legislator of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) Mangla Sharma, who also read out the resolution in the assembly, condemned the aggression committed by Israel against the Palestinians.

She bemoaned the fact that the Israeli acts of violence against innocent civilians of Palestine even continued during the holy month of Ramazan and Eidul Fitr. She remarked that Israel was in a habit of attacking the people of Palestine after every few years. She added that Israel also attacked offices of media houses during the latest instance of aggression.

Pakistan Peoples Party lawmaker Sharmila Farooqui said the Israeli brazen attacks had killed scores of innocent Palestinians and rendered thousands others homeless. She said Pakistan should come to the support of the innocent residents of Gaza facing sheer aggression by Israel.

The MQM-P parliamentary party leader, Kanwar Naveed Jameel, said the lives of innocent people of Palestine became miserable the day Israel came into existence. He said the Palestinians had to live their lives in the shadow of fear and guns.

He recalled that Pakistan had come into existence in the name of Islam and so the country were under a solemn obligation to actively help the innocent people of Palestine. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf MPA Firdous Shamim Naqvi said that an influential lobby had created the issue of Palestine as Muslims and Jews used to live peacefully in the same land before 1948.

He added that Muslims had to face aggression as they had not been following their religion. He said the Muslim Ummah should increase its strength to compete against Israel. He said Muslims were in majority in both Kashmir and Palestine but even then they had to face oppression.
