Not for profit

April 04, 2021

The way our powerful circles are handling the Covid-19 vaccination leaves a lot of space for improvement. The pace of the vaccination of healthcare workers was quite slow. Although the government has allowed the private sector to import the vaccine, the issue of the price of two doses is a big one. According to news reports, the price of the vaccine in India is significantly low. In Pakistan, the private sector is likely to earn profits in billions.


The private sector should be allowed to import the vaccine, but it must sell it at affordable prices. No one should be allowed to make profits on medicines and vaccines.

Irfan U Khattak



The Covid-19 vaccine is now available at selected private hospitals in Karachi at above Rs12,000. It is good to note that the private sector has successfully imported the vaccine. However, it is equally shocking that the authorities have set such a high price for an essential vaccine. The price is the proof of the fact that only the privileged few will get vaccinated against the deadly virus which has been killing people indiscriminately.

The government should have thought about people from low-income households before approving the price. In our country, the minimum wage is Rs16,000. How will people pay for the vaccine? It is the responsibility of the government to provide the vaccine at affordable prices. We understand that the country cannot pay for the vaccination of every person. However, it can at least reduce the price of the vaccine and bring it to the affordable level.

Asmat Sarwat

