PTI MPA resigns

By News Report
March 20, 2021

KARACHI: PTI lawmaker Malik Shehzad Awan on Friday submitted his resignation after the ruling party snubbed him in giving ticket for the NA-249 constituency. Awan, a PTI lawmaker in the Sindh Assembly, stepped down after submitting his resignation to Opposition leader Haleem Adil Sheikh. He said Amjad Khan Afridi — the ruling party's candidate for NA-249, which had fallen vacant after the previously-elected Faisal Vawda stepped down following his Senate victory — was "unpopular in the constituency". "I have to win this seat no matter what so I can gift it to Prime Minister Imran Khan," Awan said. "That's why I've submitted my resignation." Vawda, also associated with the PTI, had won from Karachi's NA-249 constituency during the 2018 general election but stepped down after winning a seat during the Senate elections earlier this month.


According to the polling schedule for the NA-249 constituency, issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) earlier, voting would take place on April 29, 2021.
