‘E-commerce to promote economy’

March 09, 2021

Islamabad:Government was focusing on e-commerce to move forward towards digital Pakistan and promote knowledge economy through a Digital Pakistan Policy to facilitate growth of e-commerce.


Member (IT) Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom, Syed Junaid Imam, addressing as chief guest at an e-commerce summit said this market has enormous potential in Pakistan due to exponential growth in broadband subscribers to over 95 million.

The summit was organised by the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with Daraz Pakistan. Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Sheikh, Osman Nasir Managing Director Pakistan Software Export Board, Ehsan Saya Managing Director DARAZ and many other dignitaries were present at the occasion.

Over 400 participants including traders and university students attended the e-commerce summit. Daraz team registered a large number of sellers on its digital platform to enable them to start online sale of products.

This was the first ever e-commerce summit organized by ICCI in collaboration with Daraz with the intention of moving the economy towards digitization in line with PM’s vision of Digital Pakistan.
