Civil defence training termed essential to combat calamities

By our correspondents
March 02, 2021

MULTAN: Participants of a rally organised on World Civil Defence Day Monday stressed the need of civil defence training and termed it essential for every citizen to combat internal and external natural calamities.


The rally was organised by Mutlan civil defence and the participants said civil defence training is necessary for each citizen to combat emergencies. A strong civil defence is also necessary for an established economy.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Amir Kkatak said the training in civil defence was key to deal with internal and external catastrophes and strong civil defence was also essential for a strong economy.

The volunteers performed well, he said. He paid a rich tribute to civil defence workers who worked hard at quarantine centres in the fight against corona. He also saluted them for their civil defence services at the Quarantine Centre in Multan last year.

When the whole world was in the grip of the coronavirus epidemic, volunteers of Civil Defence were serving food to patients at the Quarantine Centre.

He said like Lahore and Faisalabad, the number of Civil Defence volunteers would also be increased in Multan district. At the end of the rally, the DC inaugurated the Civil Defence Registration Camp and also cut a cake on the occasion.

The DC also signed the registration form as a Civil Defence Volunteer. Assistant Commissioner City Abida Farid and CSO Shabana Saif were also registered as volunteers.

FAISALABAD: The district administration and District Civil Defence Department jointly arranged an awareness walk to mark the International Civil Defence Day here on Monday.

The walk was led by Additional Deputy Commissioner HQ Muhammad Khalid which started from District Council Chowk and culminated at Clock Tower Chowk after passing through Khaliq Qureshi Road, Circular Road and Kutchehry Bazaar. The participants were carrying banners and placards inscribed slogans relating to the importance of Civil Defence.

Expressing his views, the ADC said that the training of Civil Defence was a huge human service and observance of the International Civil Defence Day was being held to raise the awareness among the masses regarding help the humanity.

The CDO said that a number of steps were being taken to make the Civil Defence organization in line with the modern requirements. He said that volunteers of Civil Defence Department were performing valuable services for maintaining peace and security and helping the law enforcement agencies.

He said that Civil Defence organisation was equipped with the most latest equipments, moreover, awareness camp was set up at Clock Tower Chowk for the demonstration of Civil Defence equipments in which bomb disposal remote, bullet proof jackets, bullet proof helmet, folding stature, metal detectors, gas masks, exclusive detectors, electric torches, drills, cutters, life jackets, flame cutters, jumping sheets, life rings, chipping drills, rope throw guns and other security gadgets were displayed.
