‘Tea is fantastic’ unique way to pay tribute to PAF

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
February 28, 2021

ISLAMABAD: The residents of federal Capital flocked to a special stall set up to offer “free cups of tea” to mark National Tea Day, an occasion recalling the second anniversary of Pakistan’s robust answer to an attempted Indian airstrike that ended in shooting down two Indian jets and the capturing of one pilot, Commander Abhinandan, two years ago on February 27, 2019.


The unique way of paying tributes to the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) on the historic achievement was eulogised by the visitors of the rendezvous. ‘Tea is fantastic’ was the most famous moment in this story, and went viral on social media, when the Indian pilot was shown in a video taking sips of hot tea and making this statement to the camera. Pakistan handed him over to India immediately after that video in a gesture of goodwill. “The Operation Swift Retort” is the name of the response operation launched by the PAF. The stall was set up by student members of university chapters of YFK-International Kashmir Lobby Group, an NGO working on conflict-resolution and human rights. The famous aerial dogfight occurred over the skies of Azad Kashmir. The stall was set up at the Fatima Jinnah Park at F-9 by the group that is a non-partisan, international non-governmental organisation, working for the peaceful resolution of Kashmir conflict in accordance with United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. The stall was tastefully decorated with the slogans for solidarity with the people of Kashmir and huge posters of the PAF planes.
