Successful execution of Ehsaas averted civil war-like situation in Pakistan

By Our Correspondent
February 26, 2021

Islamabad: The successful execution of Ehsaas emergency cash assistance programme helped Pakistan to successfully avert a civil war-like situation last year in the wake of anti-Coronavirus lockdown rendering almost two-third part of its population jobless.


“Almost two-third portion of the Pakistani population, which is associated with the non-formal sector and earn their income on a daily basis, was deprived of their livelihood resources when the anti-Coronavirus lockdown was imposed in the country last year,” said the Prime Minister’s Special Assistant on Poverty Alleviation and Social Protection, Dr Sania Nishtar, as she inaugurated the 13th International CSR Summit and Awards 2021 organised by the National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) here at a hotel on Thursday.

Dr. Nishtar said that any undesirable situation could have emerged in the country as these underprivileged people after being rendered jobless and penniless had been sitting at the railway and bus stations as they intended to go back to their far-flung native areas.

She said that in such precarious times. the Ehsaas emergency cash assistance programme had been rolled out in the country to save the two-third part of its population from utter crash. “I’m glad that almost half of the population of our country gets benefited from this programme,” Dr. Sania said, recalling how offices of the Ehsaas programme had remained open to dispense emergency cash assistance programme when almost all the government’s ministries and institutions were closed as a part of the lockdown measures.

She urged corporate entities to give as much honour to the needy population as was given to their consumers while executing initiatives related to the Corporate Social Responsibility.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Chairman of National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) Tauseef H Farooqui, said NEPRA had strictly adopted SOPs last year against Coronavirus due to which no fatality was reported among employees of the power sector regulator.

He said, NEPRA regulated the affairs of some 300 power sector companies in the country as since last year the power sector regulator had encouraged to adopt CSR initiatives to help out the needy population in the country.

He said, different energy companies after being motivated by NEPRA, had introduced their CSR programmes mainly to benefit deprived people around the area where their operations are based.

Dr Amjad Saqib, founder of Akhuwat Foundation, said the importance of entrepreneurship had increased manifold to tackle the adverse economic impacts of the pandemic. He said, the concept of entrepreneurship had to be exercised along with the element of latest technology to overcome the economic setback caused by the Covid-19 lockdown. He said, equitable distribution of resources and the concept of social inclusion had to be adopted to help out the disadvantaged population, especially during the pandemic.
