2nd round of Intra-Afghan talks: Pakistan urges constant engagement, flexibility

January 08, 2021

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday welcomed the start of second round of intra-Afghan negotiations in Doha and called upon both the sides to remain constructively engaged and show flexibility in the negotiations.


“We call upon both sides to remain constructively engaged and show flexibility in the negotiations for reaching an inclusive, broad-based and comprehensive political settlement which will lead to lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan,” Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri said in his weekly press briefing here.

He said the two teams had made significant progress by finalising the rules and procedures last month and had now reconvened to negotiate on substantive issues. Hoping the two sides would prioritise working out a roadmap for reduction in violence and ceasefire in the negotiations, the spokesperson reiterated Pakistan’s abiding commitment to a peaceful, stable, united, sovereign, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan.

Pakistan also welcomed the decision by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to reopen land, air and sea borders between the two countries. He also appreciated other steps being taken by the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to resolve four-decade old issues between the GCC countries.

He lauded the positive role played by the Emir of Kuwait towards the resolution of differences and reiterated that Pakistan continues to accord high importance to its relations with the GCC and its member states.

Mentioning the observance of Kashmiris’ Right to Self-determination Day, observed on January 5, the spokesperson said the day reminded the international community, in particular the UN Security Council, of the imperative of honouring its commitment towards the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

He told media that Pakistan had approached the UN Secretary-General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the European Union to seek the immediate release of Kashmiri human rights activist and political leader, Aasiya Andrabi, who remains incarcerated in the infamous Tihar Jail in India.

It had been highlighted that Andrabi’s life is in danger owing to the imminent risk of persecutory conviction by a sham court on January 18. Chaudhri said the voices from around the world continues to condemn inhuman oppression of the Kashmiri people and illegal and inhuman incarceration of the Kashmiri leadership.

Pakistan welcomed the statement by the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) urging the UN, OIC member states and the international human rights community to put pressure on the Indian government for release of Andrabi and her associates and all other political prisoners.

Moreover, the Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organisation (MAPIM) had also strongly condemned worsening human rights violations; extrajudicial killings; illegal demographic changes; inhuman incarceration of Kashmiri leaders, particularly of Andrabi and her associates.—APP
