Gas crisis

December 28, 2020

This refers to the letter ‘Fuel prices’ (Dec 21) by Wing Commander (r) Khalid Ismail. The writer has evaluated the performance of Oil and Gas Regularity Authority (Ogra) quite well. He has rightly highlighted the failure of the organisation to stabilise fuel prices. The country is also facing an acute shortage of gas and Ogra has completely failed to deal with the situation. It is also being reported that the worst gas crisis in the country is yet to come. Weather forecasts suggested that the winter season in the country was going to be even colder. The authorities had acknowledged that the country might face the worst gas crisis because of an increase in demand in winter. However, the authorities took no steps to manage the crisis effectively. In this freezing cold weather, the people across the country are facing gas loadshedding and low gas pressure. In many parts of Sindh, it has become impossible to cook breakfast on time.


There are some reports that suggest that the relevant authorities didn’t communicate gas demand in a timely manner that led to gas shortages across the country. This oversight caused great distress among the people.

Fahad Rind

