Dr Aman appointed envoy to Mexico

By Our Correspondent
December 27, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Special Secretary Foreign Affairs Dr. Aman Rashid has been appointed Pakistan’s ambassador for Mexico with immediate effect.


Dr Aman will be replacing Tasswar Khan, who has been asked to return to the headquarters before attaining superannuation. Tasswar Khan has completed his tenure in Mexico.

Dr. Aman Rashid, who has been looking after Europe Affairs in the Foreign Office, earlier served as ambassador in Switzerland and the Philippines at different times during this decade.

Meanwhile, well-placed sources told The News Saturday that the Foreign Office is reluctant to appoint the senior most diplomat Zahid Nasrullah to a slot befitting his seniority. He is a grade-22 Foreign Service officer who is on a par in seniority with the foreign secretary and returned from Afghanistan early this year after completing his successful tenure.

The peace talks in Afghanistan were initiated during his presence in Afghan capital. He was appointed as ambassador in Cambodia, but he declined to proceed and challenged the decision in the court.

The Foreign Office withheld his posting order and is yet to assign him a new slot.

Additional Foreign Secretary Faisal Niaz Tirmazi who looks after Americas, SCO/National Coordinator SCO RATS, has resumed his duties as he was tested positive for corona last month. He joined the office after being declared negative. Several other officers of the Foreign Office, including Deputy Chief of Protocol (DCP) Ammar Amin, have also recovered and returned to their respective duties. The Foreign Office is now strictly following the SOPs to check the virus.
