Johnson’s Kashmir gaffe sparks furious backlash

By Murtaza Ali Shah
December 11, 2020

LONDON: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been accused of being “absolutely clueless” by Labour MP Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi after the Prime Minister made a mistake in his response to a question about India’s farmers protest during Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs).


The British PM drew condemnation during his PMQs answer in response to a question by Dhesi who had asked the PM to show solidarity with tens of thousands of protesting farmers in India outraged at policies of the Narendra Modi government.

The Sikh MP had asked the British PM to “convey our anxieties and hopes for a speedy resolution” to the farmers’ protest in India to the Indian Prime Minister Modi. However, Johnson’s response that it was a matter for India and Pakistan to settle was met with ridicule as the PM confused the current issue while repeating an official line used often for India and Pakistan in relation to Indian-occupied Kashmir.

The Labour MP told the House: “Many constituents, especially those emanating from the Punjab and other parts of India, and I were horrified to see footage of water cannons, tear gas and brute force being used against peacefully protecting farmers. “However, it was heart-warming to see those other farmers feeding those forces who had been ordered to beat or suppress them. What indomitable spirit and it takes a special kind of people to do that.

“So will the Prime Minister convey to the Indian Prime Minister our heartfelt anxieties and our hopes for a speedy resolution to the current deadlock? And does he agree that everyone has a fundamental right to peaceful protest?”

The Prime Minister replied: “Of course, Mr Speaker, and our view, as the Honourable Gentleman knows well, is that we have serious concerns about what is happening between India and Pakistan. But these are preeminently matters for those governments to settle and I know that he appreciates that point.”

Johnson confused the current farmers’ protest with the India-Pakistan dispute over Indian-occupied Kashmir that has been ongoing since the partition of India in 1947.

The demonstrations in India are related to three farm laws passed by Modi’s government this year that deregulate crop pricing, which farmers say will hurt their livelihoods and only benefit large corporations. On the weekend, nearly 10,000 mainly Sikh protesters rallied outside the Indian High Commission in London in a show of solidarity with the protesting farmers in India.

Following the exchange in Parliament, Dhesi tweeted: “Many were horrified to see water cannons, tear gas and brute force being used against farmers peacefully protesting in India about #FarmersBill2020. Everyone has the fundamental right to protest peacefully. But it might help if our PM actually knew what he was talking about!

“The world is watching, the issue is a huge one with hundreds of thousands protesting globally (including in London, reported on by BBC) and the usual Boris Johnson bluff and bluster heaps further embarrassment onto our nation. Absolutely clueless! So disappointed with his response.”

Labour MP Afzal Khan called Johnson’s gaffe “a new low even for Boris Johnson”. “The issue has nothing to do with India and Pakistan. Incredible,” Khan said.

Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, general counsel for Sikhs for Justice, said: “We are extremely disappointed that the prime minister confused the current farmers’ protest with the territorial dispute between India and Pakistan. People’s lives are at risk here, and the PM must pay attention to the severity of the situation in Punjab, where brute force and teargas are being used by the Indian authorities against farmers protesting peacefully.”

Zahra Sultana MP pointed out that Johnson seemed to confuse the farmers’ protest with the Kashmir conflict. “Is it too much to ask for a PM who knows the difference between Kashmir and Punjab?” Sultana posted on Twitter.
