NUML teacher brings laurels to Pakistan

By Afshan S. Khan
November 19, 2020

Islamabad : Director, Department of Translation and Interpretation at the National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Dr. Jamil Asghar Jami has been awarded Distinction by the largest translation organisation in the world – Translators without Borders.


From the prestigious Kató platform of the organisation, Dr. Jami contributed 100,000 words to the organisation in terms of translation and reviewing over the last two years.

He achieved 4.77 out of 5 quality assessment score, which is one of the highest for any non-native English translator/reviewer. With this, Dr. Jami stands eligible to be the lifetime executive member of the organization – the first one from Pakistan to achieve this position.

The NUML Rector Major General Muhammad Jaffer (r), felicitated Dr. Jami on this landmark achievement and wished him more success in future while assuring him of his full personal and institutional support.
