A post card that reaches destination after 100 years

By News Report
September 15, 2020

MICHIGAN, US: A woman got quite a surprise when she went to her mailbox this week -- amid her regular bills and junk mail was a postcard that had been mailed almost 100 years ago, foreign media reported.


Brittany Keech told media that she didn't give the card much thought at first because she was busy with her kids and her daily hustle and bustle. "I thought it was very peculiar that I was receiving a postcard because nobody sends postcards anymore nowadays," Keech said. "I went 'OK, this is different.'"

Later she noticed that the card was postmarked October 29, 1920. It had her Belding, Michigan, address but was written to someone named Roy McQueen in faded cursive writing.

The card reads:

"Dear Cousins,

Hope this will find you all well. We are quite well but mother has awful lame knees. It is awful cold here. I just finished my history lesson and am going to bed pretty soon. My father is shaving and my mother is telling me your address. I will have to close for a night. Hope grandma and grandpa are well. Don't forget to write us - Roy get his pants fixed yet."

It was signed by Flossie Burgess.
