VRG clarifies I-Day advertisement

August 17, 2020

KARACHI: In a statement issued on Sunday, VRG appreciated PTA’s support and its patronization in helping it launch the AMA Scheme and said it understands the fact that PTA is yet to issue it the final Commencement Certificate.


The VRG said it was helping the poor and unbanked masses in Pakistan and supporting the Government of Pakistan and Prime Minister of Pakistan’s mission of financial inclusion of the poor people of Pakistan. "VRG’s objective is clear, VRG’s path is clear and VRG’s mission is sacred. In this sacred mission, VRG cannot think of violating the law or the license conditions. VRG has always been cooperating with PTA and will continue to cooperate and work together with PTA to succeed in this sacred mission," it said. VRG said it was ready and prepared to launch the commercial services in Pakistan as soon as the PTA issued it the Commencement Certificate in Pakistan. As PTA has not yet issued us the Commencement Certificate, VRG neither launched commercial services nor have charged the business partners (CMOs and the banks) or customers for AMA Scheme. As far as VRG’s advertisement on 14th August 2020 was concerned, VRG said it was issued to create an awareness among the masses on the occasion of “ Independence Day”. As this day will not come until the next year, VRG thought, in all good faith, that it is appropriate to take the people of Pakistan on board on VRG’s preparedness and “readiness to launch” the commercial services soon and to give people the gift of AMA Scheme, but this gift will not be given until PTA allows the VRG to do so, for which people have been waiting since many years.

In its advertisement, VRG has not in any manner mentioned that it has launched commercial services (in Pakistan or AJK & GB) without PTA’s Commencement Certificate. Since, VRG started the pilot phase on PTA’s direction, the people of Pakistan have opened 108,280 AMA accounts and completed much more than 3.2 million transactions, all free of cost. VRG is bearing all these costs for all these activities to help poor people and satisfy PTA’s requirements under the law and the license conditions. VRG has not charged any of its business partners for these transactions, it said.

In the meanwhile, PTA issued its own press release and advised the public at large and VRG business partners to stop using AMA Scheme without even allowing VRG an opportunity of being heard or waiting for VRG’s feedback and reply to PTA’s own given deadline of three and half hours. "This is not only illegal and contrary to the provisions of Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organisation) Act, 1996 and Article 10-A of the Constitution of Pakistan but against all just and fair norms of the society. PTA punished VRG without giving VRG an opportunity of being heard or defending its position." VRG said it reserved its right to challenge this hasty and uncalled for action of PTA, which was without application of its judicious mind and contrary to law and justice. VRG is of the view that financial inclusion scheme was initiative of SBP from whom VRG already had a license and Final Authorization (Commencement Certificate) since April 9th, 2020. It would have been appropriate if the PTA had consulted SBP prior to issuing the press release and causing VRG, the AMA Scheme and SBP’s initiative an irreparable loss and damage.

VRG said it was not launching any AMA Scheme in AJK & GB without PTA’s express permission/License.

Nevertheless, even after issuance of PTA’s fallacious, hostile and hasty press release, which potentially put PTA’s own licensee’s (VRG’s) credibility and reputation at stake, VRG acted thoughtfully, maturely and responsibly, rather than accusing PTA of serving a vested interest; it assured the PTA that VRG will not launch the commercial operations till the time PTA formally issues VRG the long awaited Commencement Certificate and VRG will continue to cooperate with PTA and will try its best to meet the PTA’s requirements to PTA’s satisfaction.

It may be noted that the Telecom Law makes it mandatory for PTA to promote and protect the interests of users of telecommunication services in Pakistan and protect the rights of the its licensees, which VRG believes so far PTA has failed to do so in VRG’s case.
