Shibli opens Independence Day celebrations with foreign media

By Mobarik A Virk
August 14, 2020

ISLAMABAD: “This year Pakistani people will be observing the Independence Day while grieving over situation in Indian Illegal Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) where our Kashmiri brethren are being subjected to the worst human rights violations and brutalities,” said the Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Shibli Faraz.


The Information Minister was speaking at a ‘Cake cutting’ ceremony arranged by the External Publicity Wing of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting at a local hotel Wednesday evening.

Shibli Faraz said that the world has to take notice of human rights abuses, atrocities, economic suppression and religious persecution by the Indian occupation forces in IIOJ&K. “The international media need to highlight the factual situation and let the world know about the conditions people of Kashmir are living in,” he said.

While talking to the international media representatives attending the function the Minister said that Pakistan is still wary of India staging a false flag operation in IIOJ&K, maligning Pakistan.

“But we are prepared to deal with any such situation and our reaction will be swift and strong to any such misadventure. We have informed the world about our apprehensions, so they will not buy this ploy by India anymore,” the Minister said.
