PM proving himself as ambassador of Kashmiris: Dr Arif Alvi

By Muhammad Anis
August 07, 2020

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi has said with actions Prime Minister Imran Khan has proven himself as ambassador of Kashmiris.


"The prime minister talked about Kashmir issue wherever he goes around the world" the president said. He was addressing the 3D project show on Parliament House Building which was organised on the occasion of the Youm-e-Istehsal.

President Alvi said the prime minister also reminded the United Nations that they would have to fulfill commitment with Kashmiris. National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaisar, federal ministers, chairman Kashmir Committee, parliamentarians, representative of media, civil society and officers and official of Senate and National Assembly Secretariat attended the event.

He said the Pakistani leadership also gave a message to India that it would receive befitting reply to any misadventure. He also questioned as to why India shut internet service in IOK if Kashmiris were happy with Indian government's policies.

Asad Qaiser said that revoking the article 35-A and 370 from Indian Constitution is illegal and it is an effort to demographically apartheid the Kashmiris population.

He said usurpation if legal rights of people through legislation is unprecedented. The Speaker said that Youm-e-Istehsal is being observed to condemn the Indian atrocities and illegal actions of 5th August 2019. He mentioned that it has worsened the life of Kashmiris and highlighted the Indian intentions to sabotage the peace of the region. He said that ballet and not bullet can solve this issue and this fact must be realized by Indian government.
