Railways shuttle service for Faisalabad proposed in new Master Plan

By Our Correspondent
July 24, 2020

FAISALABAD: The Faisalabad Development Authority (FDA) Director-General Thursday unveiled a gigantic 20-years Master Plan for development of the city keeping in view future requirements of the industrial-cum-business hub of the country from 2020 onward.


During a meeting with the consultants of Osmani & Company engaged for preparation of Faisalabad Master Plan, Muhammad Suhail Khawaja said the necessary data and the requirements of further development had been collected and the consultation would also be started with stakeholders very soon for finalising the comprehensive master plan.

Executive Director Col Ajmal, other consultants Dr Jamil Kazmi, Dr Ashraf Warsi and Mubashar Hussain highlighted salient features of the master plan. Director Planning and Development Hasan Zaheer and other officers were also present on the occasion.

The FDA DG said Faisalabad as a third biggest city of the country requires sustainable and strong system for advanced development and master plan would provide durable base for systematic rapid development. He said Faisalabad had been named in master plan as ‘city for all” which would be city of opportunities in socio economic development and generation of employments because it was a innovative industrial hub of the country.

He highlighted the objectives of preparation of Faisalabad master plan and said the strategies would be evolved for the industrial, commercial, economic, agricultural development of the city besides establishment of roads network, transportation, energy, sanitation, waste management, landscaping and other infrastructure by devising principles for the use of land.

During the briefing, the consultants informed that the proposal of railways shuttle service from Abbaspur to Sangla Hills on the railway track that existed in the middle of the city had also been included to facilitate the worker class for industrial development.

They informed that zoning of land use had been proposed besides improving the roads network and transport system. They said that the master plan would be given final touch within 6 weeks after seeking suggestions and other inputs from the stakeholders and detailed deliberations.
