Killing of Kashmiris worst form of terrorism: Ch Muhammad Sarwar

By Our Correspondent
June 08, 2020

LAHORE: Governor Ch Muhammad Sarwar termed Modi’s inhumanity more vicious than the fascism of Hitler and Mussolini and said that the United Nations and OIC should end their silence on the atrocities against Indian Muslims and Kashmir. After eight Indian spy drones have fallen so far this year, India must realise that Pakistan’s armed forces are the best in the world, capable of responding to the enemy on every front.


Prime Minister Imran Khan is literally becoming the ambassador of Kashmiris and fighting their case in the world. We stand with our Kashmiri brothers and sisters till the last drop of blood and no sacrifice will be spared, he said while talking to Kashmiri leaders Mirza Abu Bakar, Syed Hasnain Shah and others here on Sunday. The governor said Kashmir is still the lifeblood of Pakistan. Even today, with each passing day, the independence movement of Kashmiris is getting stronger and stronger, and Kashmiris will succeed in their mission of independence soon.

Extra-judicial killing of innocent Kashmiris is the worst form of terrorism and it is cruel for other international bodies including the United Nations to remain silent on this. This cruelty must end and the United Nations must resolve the Kashmir issue in accordance with its promises and resolutions.

Because until the Kashmir issue is resolved, peace in the region will remain a dream, he said. He said: “220 million Pakistanis are proud that we have the best armed forces in the world that are defeating the enemy on all fronts. Every inch of the country's borders will be protected.

Since Narendra Modi came to power, secularism has been dying in India. RSS and BJP want to create an ‘Akhand Bharat’ under the leadership of Modi. Today, not only Pakistan but also many human rights organisations are saying that Modi-led Indian terrorism and extremism have become a serious threat to world and regional peace. Not only Muslims but all minorities in India have become insecure but we are providing all rights and protections to minorities in Pakistan as per the vision of Quaid-e-Azam.”
