NCOC launches app called Pak Nigehbaan to inform about availability of ventilators

The app can be launched from mobile app stores, said an official statement

By Web Desk
June 05, 2020

The National Command and Operations Centre launched an app called Pak Nigehban regarding the availability of ventilators in hospitals across the country.

The app can be downloaded from mobile app stores, said an official statement. It is also available at Google Drive and


The statement said that around 1,110 hospitals around the country will be associated with the app.

The app will aid in informing healthcare workers, emergency responders and any citizen about the availability of beds and ventilators near to them.

The app can be quite helpful in saving lives in emergency situations.

Meanwhile, the statement added that the NCOC has launched the Resource Management System.

The system will sync around 15,459 hospitals across the country.

The RMS will also assist the provinces in assessing facilities being provided at the hospitals under their domain.

The inventory of the hospitals can also checked through the system, which in turn can assist in rectifying shortcomings in the medical facilities.

Even as of Friday, Pakistan provided a dismal picture with more than 90,000 cases of the novel coronavirus and above 1800 deaths.
