Jang-Geo workers hold countrywide protests to demand Editor-in-Chief’s release

By our correspondents
May 01, 2020

KARACHI/MULTAN/BAHAWLAPUR/RAWALPINDI/PESHAWAR: The workers of Geo-Jang Group along with a large cross-section of civil society, political workers, journalists, media organisations and trade union leaders continued their protest on Thursday against the unjust and illegal arrest of Editor-in-Chief of Geo-Jang Group Mir Shakil and pledged to continue the protest till his release and achieving media freedom. The protesters were carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans in favour of their demands. They chanted slogans against the government and sought the release of Mir Shakil.


Addressing the protest camp outside the offices of Jang and The News at the Murree Road in Rawalpindi, Secretary General Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) Nasir Zaidi said they were waging a twin struggle for the freedom of media against curbs and for the release of Editor-in-Chief of Geo-Jang Group Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman. “The journalists and workers will continue their struggle for the release of Mir Shakil and will not compromise on freedom of media,” he said.

He said as part of financial hardships, advertisements of the Geo-Jang group were first stopped followed by blocking payment of their arrears to maximise pressure on Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, who refused to bow before the government demands. Zaidi said the journalists are prepared to face all threats even sacrifice their lives for the truth and freedom of media guaranteed in the Constitution.

Chairman Joint Action Committee of Workers of Geo-Jang Group and President Jang Workers Union Nasir Chishti said the media workers are ready to offer any sacrifice to bring the truth before the people. “If justice was not provided, then that time is not faraway when the families of journalists and workers will also be on roads to demand justice,” he said. Former president PFUJ Afzal Butt said the Jang-Geo Group was threatened by financial losses and and sometimes Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman was asked to fire journalists but he never bowed before these threats. He said despite the passage of 48 days, the government was still confused over what kind of case to register against Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman.

Editor Jang Rawalpindi Hanif Khalid said despite all odds, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman stood firm on his principles just like his father the late Mir Khalil-ur-Rahman who stood against the British Raj. He regretted that some opponents instead of standing by the truth have preferred play politics. He hoped of getting justice from the higher judiciary and soon Mir Shakil will be released. Editor Reporting Jang Rana Ghulam Qadir said journalists from all over the world fully supported Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman. President RIUJ Aamir Sajjad Sayed said the struggle for the freedom of press will continue till its achievement. Secretary General RIUJ Asif Ali Bhatti said the purpose of arrest of Mir Shakil was to close Geo, Jang and The News and hurt journalists. He said the supremacy of the Constitution, parliament and law is not possible without the freedom of media.

Member of Editorial Panel of Jang Abbass Alam said the arrest of Editor-in-Chief is tantamount to arresting the captain of journalism with the sole aim to bringing the media under control. Senior correspondents of The News Asim Yasin, Ziaul Qamar and workers of the group Malik Nusrat and Munir Shah said the government tactics to censor the media will be foiled and expressed the hope that the superior judiciary will take into account the injustices being meted out to Mir Shakil and he will be released. “The media workers and journalists will continue their struggle till the release of Mir Shakil,” they pledged.

Press Manager Jang Kamal Shah said Editor-in-Chief Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman was arrested in a fake and fabricated case because he highlighted the facts before the people which the government wanted to hide. “The Editor-in-Chief has never bowed before the illegal and unjust demands and always stood for the truth,” he said.

Likewise in Karachi, owners and editors of Sindh’s regional newspapers visited the protesters camp and expressed solidarity with the Jang Geo Action Committee’s campaign seeking unconditional release of Mir Shakil and for freedom of media from censorship. The camp was widely attended by groups’ workers, lawyers, media and journalist organisations and civil society.

Editor of Roznama Halchal Younus Mehr said the media organizations of Sindh stand united with the cross-section of the society with the Jang-Geo Group’s campaign for free press. He described Mir Shakil as a brave soul like his father Mir Khalil-ur-Rahman and said he would not compromise on his principles. Chief Editor Awami Parchar, Mumtaz Phulpoto said that by slashing the advertisement rates and then disproving the quota of advertisements, the government was crippling the media industry. He warned the government of acting against the fourth pillar of the state and highlighted the problems its policies would create in the country.

Speaking to the protest demonstration outside the Jang Geo offices, the Karachi Press Club President Imtiaz Khan Faran said that Mir Shakil was not just a brave journalist but a brave leader too who has not succumbed to the government pressure despite the illegal and long detention. Faran pledged to continue his support with the Jang-Geo Action Committee campaign for the release of Mir Shakil and remarked that the government was making a grave mistake by attempting to gag the independent media.
